Українські Технологічні Системи

Biomass is a promising source of renewable energy. Currently, it ranks fourth in the world in terms of its energy use. Importantly, biomass is a renewable resource that can be obtained directly from plants or indirectly as waste from agricultural or industrial production. Today, biofuels are an ideal alternative to fossil fuels due to their carbon neutrality and low cost. Biomass can be used in solid form, by direct combustion (firewood, wood chips, straw bales, biomass pellets and briquettes), or converted and used in liquid (biodiesel, bioethanol) or gaseous (biogas, biomethane) state.

Using biofuel allows you to save significant money compared to traditional types of fuel.

Comparative cost of thermal energy for different types of fuel

Type of fuel


Calorific value

Cost of 1 kW of energy


Natural gas

65,8 UAH/м3

9,5 kW3

6,93 UAH/kW


Diesel fuel

55 UAH/l

11,9 kW/l

4,62 UAH/kW


Wood pellets

15000 UAH/t

4,7 kW/kg

3,19 UAH/kW


Grain cleaning waste

3000 UAH/t

3 kW/kg

1 UAH/kW


Thanks to the design features of our equipment, it is also possible to use grain cleaning waste as fuel, which allows you to save significant money on the cost of fuel, as well as solve the problem of disposal of production waste.